Good Guys/Happy Ending di Mika, testo e video


Ecco la canzone Good Guys/Happy Ending di Mika giudice di X-Factor 8. Per la traduzione basta cliccare qui. Il video è subito dopo il testo. Buona visione.

It’s not the Cowboys that are missing anymore
That problem was already old in ’94
Don’t be offended, this might seem a little wrong
Where have all the good guys gone

If we are all in the gutter
it doesn’t change who we are
’cause some of us in the gutter
are looking up at the stars

If we are all in the gutter
it doesn’t change who we are
’cause some of us in the gutter
are looking up at the stars

So tell me
Where have all the good guys
Where have all the good guys
Where have all the good guys gone

Where have all the good guys
Where have all the good guys
Where have all the good guys gone

If we are all in the gutter
it doesn’t change who we are
’cause some of us in the gutter
are looking up at the stars

If we are all in the gutter
it doesn’t change who we are
’cause some of us in the gutter
are looking up at the stars




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