Aerosmith – Discografia Testi Accordi Spartiti per chitarra chords and guitar lyrics



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1973 Aerosmith
1974 Get your wings
1975 Toys in the attic
1976 Rocks
1977 Draw the line
1978 Live bootleg
1979 Night in the ruts
1980 Greatest hits
1982 Rock in a hard place
1985 Done with mirrors
1986 Classic live
1987 Classic live II
1987 Permanent vacation
1988 Gems
1989 Pump
1991 Pandora’s box (cd1)
1993 Get a grip
1994 Big ones
1997 Nine lives
1998 Pandora’s box (cd2)
1998 Pandora’s box (cd3)
1998 A little south of sanity
2001 Just push play
2002 Young lust: the Aerosmith anthology
2002 O Yeah! Ultimate Aerosmith hits
2004 Honkin’ on bobo

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Testi e spartiti

scambio mp3 – CDG – KaraFun – midi
