My Name di Ilaria, testo e video


Ecco la canzone My Name di Ilaria finalista di X-Factor 8. Per la traduzione basta cliccare qui. Il video è subito dopo il testo. Buona visione.

People tell me to teach with the song I write
But I will always be too young to give good advice
I just tell you what I’ve lived don’t laugh now cuz you’ll try
when you see your fast life running slower than mine
didn’t know how to start but I’m sure about the end
my name sings louder and louder again
and I have learned something in my short experience
if I’m not the first one I must try harder to live

But I can die, if I can’t fight
the war against me from living motionless
But I can die, if I can’t hide
the grimace of emptiness

People make me think about things they don’t believe in
But I decide my road won’t settle for no other
yeah people respect who has respect of oneself but
remember that one, can live or die just like this
Oh, I’m a dot but I can give a meaning to every sentence in which I am

But I can die, if I can’t fight
the war against me from living motionless
But I can die, if I can’t hide
the grimace of emptiness

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
but from what I know God made the wind
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
but from what I know God made the wind
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
but from what I know God made the wind
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
but from what I know

But I can die, if I can’t fight
the war against me from living motionless
But I can die, if iI can’t hide
the grimace of emptiness