Daddy Blues di Emma Morton, testo e video


Ecco la canzone Daddy Blues di Emma Morton, concorrente di X-Factor 8. Per la traduzione del testo cliccate qui. Il video è subito dopo il testo. Buona visione.

How could I know, nobody told me
your touch was cold as stone
You get along, throwing fire burning homes
The night is long when you got no one to hold

hard cut from the start
Once the prey now the hunt is in your eyes
no love in your blood or in your heart
Daddy took it all

Hell fire in your eyes
oh how you smoke daddy
and i burned it and sliced it all up for you
I nearly fucked it all for you
you bring me down
and you push the dirt around
you never did what you were meant to do

I heard along the line
your papa left you dry
two of a kind
your momma
yeah, she took it all

The once you took the bus
to make a new life
Took the ride and pay to make a new home
You caught the bug and downed all hope

Hell fire in your eyes
oh how you smoke daddy
and i burned it and sliced it all up for you
I nearly fucked it all for you
you bring me down
and you push the dirt around
you never did what you were meant to do

We’re through and I give you this song
For you
I’m learning how to be strong
so when you see that i’m bleeding
Please, won’t you see that I’m healing

Hell fire in your eyes
oh how you smoke daddy
and i burned it and sliced it all up for you
I nearly fucked it all for you
you bring me down
and you push the dirt around
you never did what you were meant to do

Daddy we’re through
if it wasn’t for you
I’d have made by now so what I’m gonna do to pull through, daddy
Daddy I’m burning and it’s all I can take
Watch me fly, daddy

You see me rise from the dirt you left behind
you never did what you were meant to do
oh daddy I’m through, daddy.