Anaesthetist dei Enter Shikari, teso e video ufficiale


Ecco il testo della canzone Anaesthetist dei Enter Shikari. il video lo trovate subito dopo il testo. Buona visione

Doctor, fetch the Anaesthetist. (Anaesthetist.)
Fetch the Anaesthetist, so when I go under the knife I believe in this.
Fetch the Anaesthetist. (Anaesthetist.)
Fetch the Anaesthetist, so when I go under the knife I believe!

You fucking spanner!
A mystery call from the industry; you’re part blind.
You take the blood from the conflicted.
You parasite!
Lay down, if it’s okay he’ll be all fight.
You suck the blood of the afflicted.
You suck the blood of the afflicted.

Illness is not an indulgence which you should pay for,
Nor is it a crime for which you should be punished.
For this conviction I would endanger my health.
Just cause you break bridges and lust for fame.
No you won’t see us participating in that game.
Keep it twisted, take the success.
Cos all I really want is what’s beating in your chest.

Doctor, fetch the Anaesthetist. (Anaesthetist.)
Fetch the Anaesthetist, so when I go under the knife I believe in this.
Fetch the Anaesthetist. (Anaesthetist.)
Fetch the Anaesthetist, so when I go under the knife I believe!

We drink to your health!
Practicing death.
This one’s on you.
And every day you roll the dice.
We drink to your health!
We capitalise on your condition!
Bad luck; you pay the price.
Bad luck; you pay the price.

Fetch the Anaesthetist.
Fetch the Anaesthetist. I wanna go under the knife I believe in this.

You sold us short!
You will not profit off our health!
Step the fuck back!