Turn Down for What di DJ Snake e Lil Jon, testo e video


Ecco il testo di Turn Down for What di DJ Snake e Lil Jon. Per la traduzione della canzone, clicca qui, il video invece, è subito dopo la canzone. Bona visione

Fire up loud
Another round of shots

Turn down for what
Turn down for what
Turn down for what
Turn down for what
Turn down for what

Fire up loud
Another round of shots

Turn down for what
Turn down for what
Turn down for what
Turn down for what
Turn down for what

Fire up loud
‘nother round of shots
Fire up loud
‘nother round of shots
Fire up loud
‘nother round of shots
Fire up loud
‘nother round of shots

Turn down for what
Turn down for what
Turn down for what
Turn down for what
Turn down for what